Proud owner of a shiny new bike and a bright future!

  • July 14, 2017
555 354 Carrie V.

“I want people to know what we do here. It is so much more than homework and learning. Without the Club, I don’t know what my life would be like.” —  Yahira, age 11

Meet Yahira. At 11 years old, Yahira has never owned a bicycle—that changed the moment she earned enough Club Dollars to buy her very own! Click here to read Yahira’s story…

Yahira started coming to the Club about a year ago, when her family moved from Tucson, Arizona. She was quick to get involved in lots of activities at the Seaside Clubhouse, including volunteering to help the staff. She made such an impact that the staff began giving her Club Dollars to recognize her efforts.

“You can earn Club Dollars by helping a teacher and being a good citizen,” she explains. “Being polite, helping other members, random acts of kindness, and doing the right thing, even if nobody sees it.”

Club Dollars are “banked” to purchase special items offered at the Club Store, ranging from pencils and toys to bikes and tablets, most of which are donated by local companies. She heard rumors of a bicycle in the Club Store, and was immediately inspired. “I’ve never had a bicycle before,” she explained. “I was determined to save my money so I could buy that bike.”

And so she did. It took her two months to reach her goal. She managed to save 557 Club Dollars, an amount far more than she needed. “The staff was amazed,” explained Learning Specialist, Evelyn Gabino. “We have never seen a member earn and save so much money in such a short time, but Yahira found a way.”

And what did she do with her extra Club Dollars? She helped other members who were a few dollars short of their goals. Now that’s a member who can teach us all a lesson in paying it forward!