GHGH Summit for young girls across Monterey County

  • May 3, 2023
746 260 Carrie V.

The Girls’ Health in Girls’ Hands program, otherwise known as GHGH, put on their 2023 Annual Health, Leadership and Advocacy Summit, themed “LeadHer” on February 5, 2023. GHGH  provides girls ages 8-18 with leadership opportunities to refine their skills rooted in resilience, compassion and the ability to live as their authentic selves. The summit’s focus was on five key workshops: Healthy Relationships, Creating Boundaries/Saying No, Healthy Eating, Health and Wellness, and Gender and Identity. The LeadHER Summit was an incredible success, bringing together 208 girls from eight different cities across Monterey County. We are proud to share that over 75% of the attendees came from South County cities, including Soledad, Greenfield, and Gonzales. Through a survey conducted among the participants, we found that 81% of respondents felt that the Summit either met or exceeded their expectations. The survey also showed that more than 80% of the participants had a better understanding of the health requirements specific to girls in Monterey County after attending the Summit.

“The Healthy Relationships Seminar was the most helpful for me because I was able to learn the behaviors to look out for, whether positive or negative. It opened my eyes about the relationships I have now with family and friends. It made me more aware of how others treat me and what I should expect in a healthy relationship. I will use what I learned in the workshops to keep my relationships healthy.” – 12th grader from Seaside